With more than 10 years of experience, I've built up a portfolio that's not just a collection of projects - it's a journey. From Game Development to bringing 3D animations to life, here's a sample of projects I was lucky to be part of
Welcome to Ava's Manor – an enchanting blend of Solitaire, Mystery, and Romance!
Challenge the world in the ultimate game of smarts. Earn bragging rights as the Jeopardy!
"Short Circuit" tells the story of AIDA, an AI assistant close to a digital meltdown.
Puzzle Solitaire is a brand new twist on the classic Solitaire gameplay you will love.
Due to a time paradox, Hitler is back from the dead to kidnap the Super Science Friends.
Meet the Dunk Dumbs - The craziest basketball team I have ever created.
There is a disaster coming and you are the only one who can stop it and save the USA!
A claustrophobic room packed to the fullest. Can you spot the hidden story within?
In 2016, I founded a game company called Gorlami. Here's the story behind it.
I've partnered with the team at Polyester to show the future of the housing market.
The worst fear of this hippo is getting sick. Help him run away from viruses!
I've partnered with the team at Happy Tool Box to create a new set of 3D icons.
A Bedou is an old entity that lives inside every one of us. They usually remain asleep...
Our heroes gain microscopic sizes in an experiment and travel into the immune system.
Dino Kingdom is a sandbox children’s game where the users can create their own narratives.
Monster Machine is a kids game designed to work on the child creativity and imagination.
I've partnered with the team at Happy Tool Box to create a new set of 3D Sports models.
Meet Sebastian, Betsy and Tobias - the amazing B_TS team.
Want to make Recife even better? Play the interactive city builder.